Kaweka Lake 2

The Kaweka Lakes, also known as the Kuripapango Lakes of the Twin Lakes, are located in Kaweka Forest Park to the east of Mt Kuripapango. The lakes were formed many thousands of years ago as a result of the damming of 2 streams by debris from a massive slip off Mt Kuripapango. Only the slightly […]

Kaweka Lake 1

The Kaweka Lakes, also known as the Kuripapango Lakes or the Twin Lakes, are located in Kaweka Forest Park to the east of Mt Kuripapango. The lakes were formed many thousands of years ago as a result of the damming of 2 streams by debris from a massive slip off Mt Kuripapango. Only the slightly […]

Lake Hurimoana

Hurimoana Swamp is a lowland system that lies slightly inland of Napier and Hastings. The swamp covers an area of approximately 20.2 hectares, has a maximum depth of 12 m and is surrounded by high productivity grassland.

Kautuku Swamp

Kautuku Swamp is among a cluster of small lake systems inland from Napier and Hastings. The swamp covers an area of 10.4 hectares, with a maximum depth of 1.1 m and is flanked by high productivity grassland.

Lake Oingo

Lake Oingo is among a cluster of small lake systems inland from Napier and Hastings. The lake covers an area of 85.1 hectares, with a maximum depth of 2.1 m and is flanked by high productivity grassland.

Lake Runanga

Lake Runanga is a moderately sized system in a cluster of lakes, located inland from Napier and Hastings. The lake covers an area of 110 hectares, has a maximum depth of 1.3 m and sits at an elevation of just 38 m.