Lake Alice

Lake Alice is a small coastal lake situated on private land approximately 7 kilometres south west of Marton. The lake has high nitrogen and phosphorus levels, but E. coli and chlorophyll a levels are low. The lake contains brown mudfish. Horizons Regional Council initiated quarterly water quality monitoring (Trophic Level Index) of the lake in […]
Lake Heaton

Lake Heaton is a coastal lake situated north west of Bulls, on private land. The lake has elevated levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll a and is classed as Hypertrophic. Horizons Regional Council undertakes quarterly water quality monitoring sampling (Trophic Level Index) on the lake (
Pukepuke Lagoon

Pukepuke Lagoon is a dune lake and wetland situated between Himitanga and Tangimoana, and is an important wetland habitat for birds, freshwater fish and native plants. The Pukepuke Conservation Area is Managed by the Department of Conservation and a (free) permit is required to visit the area. A number of species, seldom found elsewhere in […]
Lake Wiritoa

Lake Wiritoa is a coastal lake with a maximum depth of around 20m. It is located in a 5ha parkland and has high recreational use. Horizons Regional Council monitors algal levels during the summer and undertakes quarterly water quality sampling (Trophic Level Index). The lake is usually safe for contact recreation in regards to E. […]
Lake William

Lake William is part of a sequence of dune lakes and ephemeral wetlands scattered between farmland and forestry. Although modified and degraded from stock grazing and wind erosion, Lake William is an excellent example of a dune lake ( Lake William is on private land.
Lake Waipu

Lake Waipu is a small drowned valley dune lake, with a surface water catchment of 531 hectares and an estimated 407 hectare groundwater capture zone. The single outlet from the lake flows into the Turakina River. The lake is of cultural importance with a significant kakahi bed known to be still present within the lake. […]
Lake Pauri

Lake Pauri is a coastal dune lake and has a maximum depth of around 14m. The lake is usually safe for contact recreation in regards to E. coli, although due to elevated nutrient levels it can be susceptible to cyanbacterial blooms. Water quality has declined over the past decade due to pastoral farming releasing sediment […]
Lake Koitiata

Lake Koitiata is located in the Santoft forest near Bulls, northeast of Koitiata Stream. It is a popular duck hunting spot.
Lake Dudding

Lake Dudding is a dune lake. The lake is usually safe for contact recreation in regards to E. coli, although due to elevated nutrient levels it can be susceptible to cyanbacterial blooms. The lake water quality has declined over the past decade and the lake is classed as supertrophic (fertile and saturated in phosphorus and […]
Lake Kawau

Lake Kawau is a small lowland lake situated west of Feilding and north-west of Palmerston North. The lake covers an area of 1 hectare with a maximum depth of 1 m. The lake is surrounded by high productivity grassland.