Lake Wiritoa
Lake Wiritoa is a coastal lake with a maximum depth of around 20m. It is located in a 5ha parkland and has high recreational use. Horizons Regional Council monitors algal levels during the summer and undertakes quarterly water quality sampling (Trophic Level Index). The lake is usually safe for contact recreation in regards to E. […]
Lake Pauri
Lake Pauri is a coastal dune lake and has a maximum depth of around 14m. The lake is usually safe for contact recreation in regards to E. coli, although due to elevated nutrient levels it can be susceptible to cyanbacterial blooms. Water quality has declined over the past decade due to pastoral farming releasing sediment […]
A small coastal dune lake north of Whanganui. The lake is a dammed valley lake, formed from streams draining the consolidated dunes that have been blocked by moving sand. The site is highly modified with pasture to the edge in most places.
Lake Westmere / Roto Mokoia
Roto Mokoia (Lake Westmere) is a small coastal lake, immediately north of Whanganui. The lake covers an area of 8 hectares, has a maximum depth of 6 m and is surrounded by 20 hectares of bush tracks and farmland. The lake is known to have high levels of nutrients and E. coli and is thus […]