Dr Kiely McFarlane, one of the social scientists working on the Lakes380 research programme, was recently on Cawthron’s community radio show talking about her PhD research on water law reforms in Canada and how she’s applying her skills in this area to the Lakes380 programme. In the interview Kiely discusses how modern geographical separation, through lakes now being located on private land, has affected how communities associate with lake ecosystems that have long been taonga for local people. She also provides her unique perspective on how law reforms in Aotearoa NZ and Canada have influenced freshwater health and how the two countries might learn from each other. Check out the interview here.
Kiely’s interview is part of a Cawthron Radio series with early career researchers, led by Dr Jonathan Puddick. We’ll keep you up-to-date about future instalments with other Lakes380 team members talking about their exciting research!!