Charlotte Šunde, Bruce Foster and Ra Smith have just released a new film on the lakestories webpage titled: Kei hea ngā tuna (where are the tuna?). The film highlights the special relationship of Wairarapa Māori with their lakes, tuna and other taonga. Its tittle Kei hea ngā tuna (where are the tuna?), is the name of a waiata composed for Kohunui Marae. This film is strongly centred within mātauranga Māori (indigenous knowledge), expressed here through waiata (song), whakairo (carving), tukutuku (latticework) and pikitia pakitara (mural). Suzanne Murphy (chair of Kohunui Marae committee) guides viewers through the rich treasure of artworks that adorn the wharenui, Tuhirangi. Her narrative provides viewers with a unique and privileged insight into the interconnectedness of people with their lakes, rivers and wetlands, the coast, lands, fish, birds and trees that have sustained the families of Kohunui Pā over generations.